Whois check is a tool to find out who is behind the given domain and when it's registered or expiring with the depth detail of a person or an organization who is running that domain with a lot more features like name servers, email address, registrar where its registered, client transfer and many more.

Domain Name – A short name or IP address, typically consisting of letters and numbers. The DNS (Domain Name System) system, is a set of web servers that provide service to users across various internet domains. The World Wide Web (WWW), a network of computers with web pages, was established in 1977. A Domain Name can be used as any internet address but it can also be associated with another address or a person's name. Domain names are usually related to a country, town, city, state, region, or zip code.

They are not limited to a specific IP address. Examples of common domain names in the USA include www.us.wix.com/, www.wix.com/, www.mybusiness.com/, www.xyz.com/ The following example is a sample domain name that would have been registered by wix.com: c.wix.com Web Hosting – Where you store your site and other files on a server to make it available for anyone who visits you. There are many types of web hosting such as one-click, two-click, four-click, cloud, free website builder, and low-cost web host.

Most websites will use an online file-hosting company. A web hosting platform can either be hosted within the Internet or on a remote server (hosted by a hosting provider). You can choose several web hosting providers at once, which is often cheaper than using just one website. You can choose any plan. For each type of plan, the price varies by country. The hosting plans are very important. One can find out how much money they will spend by visiting any hosting company. On average, hosting companies charge $50 to $700 per year for a regular account. However, it depends on the area. For instance, if you live in the states, a plan might cost around $600 and above. Many countries require a minimum number of years as well as certain minimum traffic. Generally, hosting companies are located in larger metropolitan areas such as big cities, and some smaller towns. Web Storage - The space on disk partitions on the hard disk where a computer’s programs are stored (sometimes called “storage” or “disk storage”, though this usage is uncommon these days). This is sometimes known as “host space” or “storage space”, depending on the context. It is divided up into two pieces: sub-storage (the smallest bit of space between directories on the Disk Drive) & main storage (the largest bit of space between directories on the Disk Drive). File sharing – Remote access from anywhere, including computers, which allows multiple people to share a folder of files, documents, etc. on their computer without having to download or install anything separately.

A file server is a website without its data, so it can hold all your files. File servers are generally located in dedicated locations such as business offices, schools, universities, small businesses, or colleges. Commonly shared folders can be found on Windows and Linux. Data Protection – Data protection means protecting a user’s personal information. Internet activity is considered unprotected when your device has no permission to transfer data over the Internet, such as entering a password or downloading a document. We can protect our devices from unwanted third parties and software when we use our operating system. The world wide web is based on a decentralized system, meaning we do not encrypt ourselves before transferring our files.

Therefore, unless our devices are connected to the Internet, it’s safe to upload files, data, and other items such as passwords and usernames as long as we know the correct password to open the right webpage. If not, it’s still safe. Web filtering– When someone sends you a malicious link and you click on it and browse a website you have previously visited, and there is a lot of other malware on the page, you could get unwanted links on that page. Web filtering is a way to filter the links to stop links that you don’t want. Web Security – We can prevent or avoid hackers and viruses from getting into our systems. Some security solutions are free, while others are paid. These security solutions help us to detect threats and block them from being transmitted.